Living Will Documents
A Living Will is a document that provides doctors and loved ones with your instructions on what actions should be taken if you are ever incapacitated, death is imminent and life sustaining procedures will merely prolong the natural dying process. It can help you remove some of the decision-making stress from an already difficult time for loved one.

Certification by Attending Physician
A Living Will does not override any medical decision you can make for yourself. Additionally, your Living Will takes effect only when the attending physician certifies in writing that your condition is incurable, death is imminent and the use of life prolonging procedures will only serve to prolong the dying process.

Procedures and Medication for Comfort
Electing to have a Living Will does not mean that you will be left with no care or treatment. Procedures and medication which provide you with the most comfort care and alleviate pain may be provided to you. The goal is to make you as comfortable as possible, while still allowing your body to go through its natural process.

Supplemental Nutrition and Hydration
As part of your comfort and care, supplemental nutrition and hydration can be made available to you even if the effort to sustain life is futile or excessively burdensome to you. Your Living Will allows you to decide to accept, reject or even to leave that decision to your Attorney in Fact under your Medical Power of Attorney or Durable Power of Attorney.
Powers of Attorney:
Your Living Will can override any decision made under your Health Care Power of Attorney or your Durable Power Attorney if that is what you wish. Or you can allow your Attorneys in Fact to override some or all of your Living Will selections if you feel they might make a more informed decision.
POST Declarations:
If you are in a medical setting, you and your physician might decide that a Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment (POST) Declarations are necessary. Your treatment plan and wishes are put into actual medical orders from your physician, allowing the medical staff to easily and immediately follow those instructions. This type of plan is restricted to only those who have been diagnosed with an advanced progressive chronic condition.
Full set of Estate Planning Documents
Starting at:-
Last Will & Testament
Power of Attorney
Health Care Power of Attorney
Health Care Power of Attorney for Minor Children
Living Will
Funeral Plan