Property Management & Misc. Documents
Real estate is highly regulated, and property management in particular is subject to many local, state and federal laws. Having good legal documents, along with good legal advice, are critical to navigating the complex set of property laws and having success at property management.

The Savings Clause
Fewer than half of the lease agreements authored by other lawyers that we review for our clients contain a Savings Clause. Without a Savings Clause, a landlord cannot collect rent after seeking a court-ordered eviction. Does your lease have a proper Savings Clause?

The 45-Day Letter Rules
A shocking number of landlords are unaware of Indiana’s security deposit law-the 45-Day Letter Rules. Having the right processes and legal forms is critical to complying with Indiana’s landlord-tenant laws. We know the rules. We can help.

Are you a Debt Collector?
In most cases, property managers are “Debt Collectors” as defined by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The FDCPA is a confusing and complex set of statutory and case laws that regulate every attempt to collect unpaid rent or other monies owed by a tenant. We train property managers on how to comply with the FDCPA.
Online Legal Help
Landlord / Tenant Documents Available for Download:
- Schedule of Real Estate
- Outline of a Real Estate Business Plan
- Expense Reimbursement Form
- Independent Contractor Agreement
- Demand Note
- Installment Note
- Mortgage on a Promissory Note
- Mortgage Application
- Land Trust Agreement
Additional Information
So many laws govern real estate, landlord-tenant relations and property management. From federal discrimination laws to local zoning rules, there is a lot to know, if you are investing or managing real estate. We cannot stress enough the importance of having good legal documents and regular counsel from a knowledgeable and experienced real estate attorney.
All Real Estate / Property Management Documents Bundle
Schedule of Real Estate
Outline of a Real Estate Business Plan
Expense Reimbursement Form
Independent Contractor Agreement
Demand Note
Installment Note
Mortgage on a Promissory Note
Mortgage Application
Land Trust Agreement