Help for Heros Program

Since our founding in 2010, our law firm has been dedicated to helping small business owners, entrepreneurs and real estate investors. As you have grown, so have we. We have an affinity for two special groups of Americans- Entrepreneurs & Public Servants. If you are a first responder, active miltary member, small business owner or veteran, we want to help you.  We know times are tough, and we’re here to help.  Whether you treat people in the ER, rehab houses or drive a personnel carrier, we believe in you and want to help you recover from this pandemic.

For the balance of 2020, the Griffith Xidias Group is offering a 20% discount off all billable hourly and flat attorney and staff fees* for the following persons (our Heros!!) who become clients of our law firm-

  • All first responders- including police, fire, nursing, doctor, hospital & other healthcare personnel
  • All active military members
  • All honorably-discharge veterans.

The Covid-19 Pandemic has hit us all hard, and we will all need to work together and work hard to get our economy back on track. Our attorneys and staff at Griffith Xidias Law Group are optimistic, because we believe in the American Spirit, our “Never Give Up” attitude and creativity. Our law firm believes strongly in the entrepreneurial spirit and free market capitalism. With time and a little help, and a non-intrusive government, we believe that small business owners will propel our nation back to greatness. In that spirit, our law firm stands ready to help small business owners with fee discounts, extra counsel, free online training, free webinars, articles, eBooks, and other resources to help you launch, save and grow your small business. If you are an entrepreneur and need legal guidance, forms or counsel, we’re here to do what we can to help you.

If you are one of our Heros, please contact our law firm at 317-663-0650, and, after we confirm your eligibility, we will provide you will a discount of 20% off all our hourly and flat fees* for 2020 on any client matter we accept.


* Please note that we cannot discount out-of-pocket fees like court filing costs due to ethical guidelines.

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